Our Services

Ask us, we can help with most things in communications

Let us solve your technology problems

We have extensive experience in both IT and telephony, so you can turn to us with your problems and requirements with confidence, large or small. Below you see some examples of what we can help you with:


Do you have blind spots where the wifi signal is not strong enough?

We have solutions to give you a stable, secure and reliable wifi experience.


Need a new computer or help upgrading your current one?

We can assist you!

Internet Connection

Need help finding your way through the jungle of offers?

We’ll help you choose.

Mobile Subscription

Thinking of getting a French mobile phone plan?

Let us help you make the right choice.


Do you find your computer, mobile, TV etc. difficult to manage?

We tailor training courses.


Need help with Smart TV, camera monitoring or something else?

Ask us.

Wifi and coverage

Here in France, thick stone walls are common. This can make it difficult to get good wifi coverage everywhere. We have solutions to give you excellent coverage throughout your home, even on the balcony or in the garden. We can help you with both existing wifi and new installations.


Want to buy a new computer but don’t know which one is best for you? We can help you find a new computer, suitable for your needs.

Is your computer starting to feel sluggish and slow? We can upgrade it and remove outdated software etc.

Internet Connection

Let us help you choose the right ISP by selecting the offers available at your address, based on your preferences for speed, services and price.

We are completely independent with no affiliation to any single operator. This allows us to give you recommendations based on what’s best for you and your family.

Mobile Subscription

Do you find it difficult to navigate your way through the French mobile operators and their different offers? We can help you find the right plan for your needs.

We are completely independent, with no ties to any single operator. This allows us to give you recommendations based on what’s best for you and your family.


Whether it’s your computer, mobile phone, TV or any other tech gadget that you don’t feel you’ve quite mastered, we can help you sort it out through tailor-made training and review of the function(s) you want.


We have extensive experience in IT and telephony, combined with broad and deep technical knowledge. This allows us to get to grips with the various technical problems you have, give you advice and find suitable solutions.


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